Thanks for NOTHING Smithville!!!
Of course not ALL of the human race are creepy jerk turd scums...One gentleman did stop and offered to put air in the tire. It's flat, it's not like the pool toys when someone flops down on it and pops the valve out and you just have to blow it back up. Obviously there's a major problem somewhere!! (a finger sized problem it turns out.) I do appreciate him stopping, but he basically wasted my time. I could have gotten further had he not. After he leaves, I realize, I have no jack. WTH?!?!?! So now I need to call someone. I know there a people out there with friends that are perfect for certain situation. I know who I'd call if I was lonely, sad, stuck on the toilet after someone used the last of the tissue...Whatever...But I don't have a "somebody" for car repair. So I call my ex. Who is the LAST person to ask to fix ANYTHING on a car, but all I need is a jack right? Wrong, apparently I also needed to "stand back and let a man take care of it" yeah, I've heard that before. Within the hour and a half it took to change the tire, I managed to pierce my tongue with my canine, in 6 different places. The whole while this is going on, this is sitting right behind us..Looming...Watching and waiting, but not making a move....
He did help out, because he gave us a jack. (Yes, the ex showed up with none!) But not before taking my name, address and phone number, and "mentioning" a speeding ticket I received not that long ago. "Well, I guess I'm safe here huh? Not speeding...Not even driving...Not moving one damn inch huh????"
I get home and look up the local tire places, because of course the DONUT...Wait...RUSTED DONUT that is impersonating a spare tire on my Dodge Caravan right now, worries me more than dying. EVERY SINGLE $^(%!)# TIRE PLACE CLOSES AT NOON ON SATURDAYS! What the ...Ok, now the plans that the rain didn't ruin, are ruined. I'm getting into bed, pulling the blankets up and making faces at anyone that enters my room!