Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thanks for NOTHING Smithville!!!

So it's a crappy Saturday and the few plans I was looking forward to were already falling apart! Now on my way home, I make a turn and my vehicle sounds like 16 pairs of Nikes in a dryer! I just got new tires!! There's no way one could be flat!!! Oh, it's one of the ones in the back. CRAP!! Here I go, changing a tire. Now, I don't know if this is even legal, but I don't care at this moment. The following people passed me RIGHT by and didn't even ask if I had a phone to use to call for help!! I want to throw a huge bag of manure at them, but instead, they get the limelight here!! Thanks for NOTHING guys! I hope the next time you have car trouble, it's at night, on a dark road in AMITYVILLE!!





Of course not ALL of the human race are creepy jerk turd scums...One gentleman did stop and offered to put air in the tire. It's flat, it's not like the pool toys when someone flops down on it and pops the valve out and you just have to blow it back up. Obviously there's a major problem somewhere!! (a finger sized problem it turns out.) I do appreciate him stopping, but he basically wasted my time. I could have gotten further had he not. After he leaves, I realize, I have no jack. WTH?!?!?! So now I need to call someone. I know there a people out there with friends that are perfect for certain situation. I know who I'd call if I was lonely, sad, stuck on the toilet after someone used the last of the tissue...Whatever...But I don't have a "somebody" for car repair. So I call my ex. Who is the LAST person to ask to fix ANYTHING on a car, but all I need is a jack right? Wrong, apparently I also needed to "stand back and let a man take care of it" yeah, I've heard that before. Within the hour and a half it took to change the tire, I managed to pierce my tongue with my canine, in 6 different places. The whole while this is going on, this is sitting right behind us..Looming...Watching and waiting, but not making a move....

He did help out, because he gave us a jack. (Yes, the ex showed up with none!) But not before taking my name, address and phone number, and "mentioning" a speeding ticket I received not that long ago. "Well, I guess I'm safe here huh? Not speeding...Not even driving...Not moving one damn inch huh????"

I get home and look up the local tire places, because of course the DONUT...Wait...RUSTED DONUT that is impersonating a spare tire on my Dodge Caravan right now, worries me more than dying. EVERY SINGLE $^(%!)# TIRE PLACE CLOSES AT NOON ON SATURDAYS! What the ...Ok, now the plans that the rain didn't ruin, are ruined. I'm getting into bed, pulling the blankets up and making faces at anyone that enters my room!

Friday, August 26, 2005


OK, that title has nothing to do with this post, I just like using the phrase. Anyhow, I wasn't sure which subject to make this blog about. Sometimes so many things happen that I get stuck on what I want to share, and what I will wait to share and forget about before I get a chance to. Let me give you the main ideas and we'll just see how it comes out.

The start of school this year was especially hard. My little guy is in kindergarten and I hate it! I knew it would mean a giant step away from dependence on his momma. I wasn't even allowed to hold his hand walking down the hall. He did great and all 4 of the teachers he talked to commented on his sense of humor...he told them he gets it from his father....Why I otta!!!

Late night at Wally World has proven entertaining. I was walking along, minding my own business when this small man passed me. I am 5-9, so not a giant, but this guy was barely to my chest. He was a small man. I am only human, I watch him walk and am drawn to his buttocks...But not because of any other reason other than he had two huge holes in the back of his jeans. And nothing underneath. He had bare skin showing through these jeans, and where the heck was my phone???? This is the stuff I bought the dang thing for!!!! So, sorry no pics, but I CAN give you a mental image. This guy looked like Chris Catan as monkey boy on SNL. YES, that's what I'm talking about...You understand now huh? LOL

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lazy Boys

On my way home yesterday, I saw an orange rocker recliner on the side of the road. This is not an unusual sight, I know, furniture is discarded all the time. This WAS strange to me though because of where it was. It sat right in the middle of a bypass bridge, facing the highway. While I was optimistic (heading home from work) I envisioned a person sitting on that chair happy to be seeing people, happy to be outside and happy to have a comfortable chair to sit in and enjoy his life. However, it was still sitting there on my way TO work this morning. Only this morning, I felt differently (pessimistic?) I saw an abandoned chair, staring out over the railing of that bridge longing to belong to someone once again. Wishing someone would stop and take it to whatever destination they are headed for. I felt bad for the chair, I sympathized with the chair. But I did not pick up the chair. Who knows why it was left there?

(I will take a picture of the chair if it's still there tonight and add it to my post tomorrow. I'll explain the meaning of life to's fishing!)


This is where the recliner spent the last couple of days. When I drove by and saw it gone, it was a bittersweet moment for me. I was happy to see it claimed, travelling and with company. But where are they taking orange recliner? Will "Rocky" be happy there? I hope so.

Monday, August 22, 2005


As you know from reading my posts, I pretty much keep to myself, I don't comment on here about other people, what they care about, or what they write about. I worry about me and mine. Whose birthday it is or what game we are going to see is my major concerns really. Oh, and every now and then I try to be funny. In other words, what comments are left by other bloggers, should be left on blogs. Lately, I think, there is soooo much drama! Everyone is fighting with everyone else and comments are being left, and I was even threatened! Now I know something is wrong! Am I alone here? Have I not been blogging long enough to come across it and I'm just exaggerating? Who cares?? I'm just a blogger with a couple ideas and is it wrong having a few ideas you want to share? Well, yeah actually! Making fun of people and wanting to kick their @$$. That's too far. Verbal wars over voting buttons, man against woman abandoned blogs....can't we all just get along?

Friday, August 19, 2005

All about the music

Once upon a time, when Valerie and I were known as "V-Girl and the blonde bombshell" (only at the Lamp Post Lounge!) I used to wow the people with my ability to read keychains. Yep, they'd line up to have me tell them a little about themselves just by looking at the keychains they carried. Most of the time it was easy, we are at a bar, they carry a bottle opener, duh. (If you don't know what a bottle opener is, ask your grandparents.) Sports was easy too, as were the chains for Zodiac signs, pictures of kids and motel room keys. Some were a little tougher, but I could almost always convince the person that what I was telling them was either how they were, how they wanted to be, or how they really should be. Alcohol was my tool, I shamelessly used it and accepted it as payment for my abilities. So that brings me to the reason of my blog.

While I was searching through the thousands of ringtones my cell phone company offers, trying to decide which 10 I was going to claim as my prize for allowing the CSR guy to flirt with me. I decided I could learn a lot from knowing the list of ringtones someone has on their phone. So list yours here, so I can learn a little about you.

Mine are as follows:
1. Bullet With Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins
2. Hands Down by Dashboard Confessionals
3. A man coughing
4. Napoleon dynamite saying "Are you having a killer time? YESSSSSSS!"
5. Over and Over by Nelly and Tim McGraw (this says little about me, really)
6. The Monday Night Football Theme
7. Bring Me To Life by Evanescense
8. Clocks by Coldplay

The rest are the puppy dog barking, island music, old telephone ringing sounds that came with the phone. The ringtones I get are the song type, not polyphonic. That way, if I am somewhere and can't listen to music, I can get a quick fix from my cell phone. Sad?..Yes. Sad enough to make me stop?....nah.

AWWW I miss Valerie.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Meet Mrs. Chin! Hell-row!

Remember when you used to do this? Oh come on, I won't tell anyone. If you deny it, you are lying. Well, ok, if you really REALLY never did this, it doesn't matter because I'm sure you have done equally ridiculous, amusing and comical acts that I can make fun of you for doing. Write and tell me those things. Anyhow, this is what I got for my birthday from my youngest sister yesterday. She put on a little show for me and my children, my middle son thought it was hilarious. My youngest son had nightmares. I just wanted to make sure I got a picture of it to blackmail her at a later time. And you, my blog friends and enemies are in charge of keeping a copy of this safe and sound until such time that I need it. OH, and just in case you are wondering...she IS single....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

to katie

with one minute left in my birthday. thank you so much katie!! the scrapbook was well worth the wait. I'm sorry I cried, but it was so special. you are a wonderful kid and a caring daughter. i love you sooooo much!!! ~mom

Happy Birthday to moi...

YAY, today is my birthday. I love birthdays, not just mine either. I think the idea of celebrating getting through another year of what people, and events throw your way is marvelous. I don't like the fact that I'm getting I'm not one of those botox shooting, mini-skirt wearing, hair teasing middle aged ladies....yet. I'm not saying I won't be either. I think that making oneself happy in whatever way possible is a good thing. If it's changing your looks, so be it! If it's wearing clothes that you like, wear em!! I AM lieing here you know. I don't think it's ok to wear just anything. Not for people who are "older" not for people who are "bigger" not for people with certain color hair. I believe that just because they make it in your size DOES NOT mean it's ok to wear it. Go on and be comfortable, go on and feel good about yourself, but for the love of fitzgerald people, use some common sense!!!

Ok, enough of other people, it's MY birthday. I didn't get breakfast in bed, that's ok, the syrup usually makes the covers all sticky anyway. My daughter spent months on a scrapbook for me, and I haven't even seen it yet. I tried to wake her up at 12:05 this morning and ask for it, but she wasn't going to cooperate at all! As I walked out of the room, she said "don't go to bed in a huff mom." When I told her that this morning, she laughed. She doesn't remember it at all. I work late tonight, then she's at an activity. I fear it might be my next birthday before I get to see this creation!! She is an excellent scrap-booker too! She can see how she wants it and put it together just like that. She can use items for many different ways than what they were intended for too. So I'm expecting twist ties and the ends of bread that no one ever wants to take, to have been molded into fabulous frames and maybe the a likeness of me when I was making my First Holy Communion.

My coworkers gave me a card and an ICE CREAM CAKE!! I looooooove ice cream cakes. Amy is making dinner for me on Friday. I looooooooooove dinner. (hee hee) My sister is keeping my kids today, and if I can get the night out of her I AM! Melanie sent me a card and we are going to go out. I NEED IT!! (plus we are going to see Rob Thomas in November..woohoo!!)

My mom sent me an e-card first thing this morning, and I cried. My brother actually sent the very first acknowledgement of the 10th anniversary of my 27th birthday the other day and explained that I was a wonderful aunt, and how pointed out how he refrained from actually saying "great" aunt because it indicates an elderly relative. Thanks George! (incidentally, George and I were the same age for the past 2 weeks, so age cracks from him don't happen often, if ever.)

Dean was the very first person to tell me happy birthday this morning, he happened to be online at midnight and shot a sweet IM my way. Thanks again!

My 5 year old told me hb this morning and followed with "I still don't know what to get you..." he's gonna make a typical husband some day. Bless his pea picking soul. (oh no...that's a mom phrase)

Thanks everyone! Today is a great day!!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The two things that saved my weekend...

I was on my way to the campgrounds Friday. My sister makes sure we always have a wonderful time. My family is close, and we all work to make sure each other is enjoying themselves. That makes for a good time. I knew once I got there, my worries would be over. The stress and hard work would pay off and I'd be sitting next to the pool or fire having a great time watching the younger kids trying to pull melted marshmallows off their fingers while making smores. Or fighting off the older kids who try like crazy to dunk me in the pool. Yep, I was looking forward to getting there for many reasons, but mostly to end the "bad luck day" I was having. My nephew talked about it all the way there, so I remember each reason like the van sounding funny and having to back track to get the car, and figuring out how I was going to get all that stuff in the trunk of a Malibu! The red lights..Every single one! The construction, all of it! The hassle Wal-Mart gave me. I was already late, and hated that I might miss the dancing I promised my neice I'd be there for. Eventually we were on our way and I thought it would take the entire 3 hours to calm down. I figured since I was in a crappy mood anyway, I'd call the cell phone company to ask the questions I had. What did I have to lose? My good mood??!!??!! I was surprised to find someone that actually wanted to help. He was funny and knew exactly what I was talking about. I almost hung up and figured, what the hell, I'd go ahead and ask about the ringtones. I bought one, but I can't use it because I can't hear it well. They are actual parts of songs, not the polyphonic ringtones, those ones are PLENTY loud enough. My question was "Is that how all ringtones sound on this phone, or just that one." He looked at my account, recited some of the ringtones I had and complimented me on my choices. I explained that the ringtones he saw were from a former phone. I told him that not being able to transfer ringtones from one phone to another was not a good marketing strategy to keep people buying new phones. He explained that they should have gone back 90 days and transferred any ringtones bought in that time. HUH???? Why didn't they??? He told me he'd make it right. He did! He gave me 10 free (previously paid for actually) ringtones! Chris (that was his name) "you are awesome! thanks man!" He said he was well aware of that and continued to explain that he was also single. I hung up happy, calmer and a little blushed. (After all, he has access to everything from email to phone numbers on me!!!)

A short time later, I came across a couple of guys on bikes. Between the conversation with Virgin Mobile's Chris, and the sighting of these two Gods, my mood was right back in check. I never thought about the "bad luck" again that day! Thanks for driving east that day guys!!

Sorry the pictures aren't the best, camera phones leave a little to be did these guys....ha ha!

The one in front had a sun tattoo on his right shoulder, just like me!! Just thought that might be interesting to some.....if not...sorry.....

Monday, August 15, 2005

Weather or not...

So my daughter and I have this theory. We believe people born in Fall or Winter like cooler weather better, and those born in Spring or Summer like the warmer weather. Now, if there is a scientific study or other information out there aleady, I don't know about it. We are not that ambitious to find out, we just like to hear ourselves talk and someone mentioned that this would be a good blog subject. So, what I wanted to know from you guys is, what month or season were you born in and which weather you enjoy the most. I was born in August (Wednesday..happy birthday to me!!) and I like the warm weather most. My daughter was born in January, and she likes cooler weather more. I thought we found our first glitch with my nephew, Jared, he doesn't like the warm weather as much and his birthday is the day before mine...TOMORROW!!! OMG!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED!! WOO HOO. Ok, so he doesn't like the warm weather as much. Then I realized while recalling the morning my brother called to let us know he was born. He was 2 months early. Making his original birth time in mid October...Fall enough for me! So I know there will be some inconsistancies in this theory, but so far the majority has worked out just as we predicted. Help us out ok? Thanks.

You name it

I was going to ask you guys for your opinion, but decided to talk about myself intead. No, I'll do both. But do this first because it was alot of laughs!

1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet / Street you live on)
Lady Quinby (I like it!!)

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food / Grandfather's first name):
Pretzel Elmer (hee hee!)

3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left / Favorite restaurant): Trans Applebee (that could work!)

4. EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice / Last Foreign Vacation Spot):
Garlic Canada

5. SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname / Town Where You First Partied):
T C Youngstown (huh?)

6. "FLY GIRL/BOY" ALIAS (a la J. Lo): (First Initial / First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name):
T Mo (that’ll work!)

7. ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight / Any Liquid in Your Kitchen):
Soda Water

8. DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal / Where You Went to High School):
Puppy Chaney

9. BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate / Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink):
Taco Budweiser

10. SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name / Street Where You First Lived):
Ann High

11. ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy / Last Name Of Favorite Musician):
Twix Matthews (there were so many possibilities for this one since I like most candy and so many musicians)

12. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: ( First 2 letters of your first name and the first 3 Letters from your last name makes your first name. Take the first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name and the first 3 letters of the city you were born in):Thmou Topit (ok....)

See?? That WAS fun huh?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Here's what I want....HELP!

I'm not selfish, really I'm not! My friends and family would (most days) totally agree with that. But there is something I've wanted to do since building this blog. At first I thought I'd include it with this blog, but didn't because firstly, I wanted it to have it's own little home. Secondly, I didn't want this nationally acclaimed and universally enjoyed blog to get too crammed. (ha ha!) I finally built a blog entirely for music. Music is such a big part of me and my life that I wanted a place to keep songs, snippits of songs, titles of songs, band information...Whatever, handy so I can enjoy it. You are, of course, also welcome to enjoy it, comment on it, complain about it's content..Knock yourself out!

Anyhow, the HELP I need is this. I don't want to post entire songs all the time, I want to be able to list a song, what it means to me and then a media player there so if someone wants to hear the song, they can. How do I do that? I see videos and such on other blogs. Anyone want to ed-ju-cate me? I'd appreciate the help. THANKS!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Theresa by any other name...

Screen names...hmm...I like the idea of having screen names. With a screen name, you can convey, without actually talking to people, your intentions, your feelings, your wishes, your demands, your mood...Whatever! I've taken the liberty of providing you, my blogging friends, with these new screen names so we can keep in touch. I am going to incorporate them into every day life...I think...

for my kids:
for my boss:
for my mom:
when I'm mad: (also used when referring to my ex)
when I'm happy:
when I get cut off driving to work:
How I feel about my town: (stinky referring to the town, not the girl)
meeting someone new:
when I'm naughty, I mean, feeling frisky, I mean..Just for chatting (hee hee) ***by the way, if you google my email address...this is what comes up!!!!
when I'm watching football: ( I know he's not played for the Steelers for some time, but I still yell it when watching a game)
when I'm out:
when I'm out for a while:
when I'm out for the night:
when I'm hungover:
when I'm blogging:

Ok, so when I was half asleep and driving to work this morning, these were WAY more clever, but you get the idea, I know, because you are wonderful, unjudging talented people who have those so-so days too....

Monday, August 08, 2005

This blog has been brought to you by the number....

I know there is an official, hoity-toity, technical name for it and if I didn't have pizza sauce all over one hand, I might look it up, but I am a number person. I count EVERYTHING, I calculate the number of tiles in a room, crates on a dock, cars in a lot. Every group of numbers means something to me. It's someone's birthday, or death day. Or an old phone number, or close to my graduation year, whatever, numbers are interesting to me. Numbers are infinite. That makes them indestructible and for that, they are luckier than any of us. They are constant and reliable. They are black and white and either makes perfect sense, or none whatsoever. When there are coincidences with numbers, I'm the first to notice.

I added a vote button to my blog merely because I wanted to see what number I would come up as right off the bat. Well, it happens to be 82. THAT IS EXACTLY THAT AGE IN THE BOX ABOVE IT. The age I'm gonna die. Now tell me that isn't a fascinating coincidence. No, really...Tell me, I know it isn't, to probably anyone else but me. Anyhow, now that you know why it's there, you know there is no pressure, no begging no voting unless you did in the primaries. Oh wait, that's not true.

I just like numbers. What IS the name for people like me? (HEY! WATCH IT!)

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Ok, I stole a tag. Well, the invite was out there, so I took it. I didn't actually personally get asked, so if you have a problem with that, call the opinion police ok? I'm guilty.

My turn offs:

1. Bad facial hair. Men with long, long scraggly beards. Or thin patches that I just want to grab my eyebrow pencil and fill in.
2. Nail biters.
3. Cowboy boots, sorry guys. I just don't like em! (Unless you are from the west, and actually ride a horse, wear a cowboy hat with em, or have to walk in dusty areas. But you dudes from NY or Florida walking around with your shorts and boots....STOP!)
4. Non drinkers at a party. Not designated drivers, kudos to you!! The non-drinkers standing around looking smug and laughing and pointing and talking about how paranoid we drinkers are.....
5. Lack of spur-of-the-moment-ness
6. Last minute change of plans
7. Wet Pits
8. Mistspelled words
9. Thick wallets protruding from nice butts, smooth, keep the lines smooth and easy to visually follow....
10. Being asked out on the internet. Weak!

Turn ons: (whew, finally!)
1. Bloggers! They put everything out there, their emotions are unprotected, their opinions bare, their abilities naked!!! HOT!
2. Nice smelling guys. Not just cologne, but that's nice. Clean stuff, shaving cream, soap, deodorant, hair stuff. Outdoor stuff, charcoal grill, fresh cut grass, campfire. Fabric softener, etc. Just pleasant smelling guys....
3. Chins. Can't explain this one, some chins just grab me, some are just chins. (If you MUST know more, send me a pic and I'll rate your chin!! haha)
4. Motorcycles-ok, the ability to ride one.
5. Tattoos-more like nicely designed and done, personal meaning tattoos. Or tats in strange places. ie ear lobes, behind the ear, fingertips, etc.
6. Anyone that shares my love for music, that understands how important music is to almost EVERYHING, can recall what was playing during most important events in their lives. I like music.
7. No-nonsense honesty
8. Confidence
9. Eyes, bright eyes melt me.
10. Bald men. Purposely shaven, meticulously cared for bald heads. (a small tat on the back of a shaven head...Oh man....)

There we go! I'm sure some will shock you, and some will leave you wondering just who I REALLY am....That's what makes it fun!

Saturday, August 06, 2005


There are things about all of us that we would change. Whether it's physical, financial, mental..Whatever. It's a struggle for some people to just live each day with these problems. Luckily, there are many ways to get help to change. To change how you feel, how you look, even how you act in certain situations, and how to accept you for you. I will rent out my son to anyone who needs him. He pointed out that his little brother has one eye that's a little bigger than the other. I explained that everyone has one eye bigger than the other, one leg longer than the other, no one is perfect. "Except you Momma." was the reply.

Although his comments now cause nightmares from his brother with Cyclops syndrome, I feel 100% perfect!

My Sweeties

Friday, August 05, 2005

TAT's tat

ok, so the former, and soon to be again tat's tat. I promised a soldier I'd share my ya go! This is the before picture, later this month you'll see the after. Have a great day!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Well NOW I'm under pressure!

As if I don't have enough stress in a day, this hits me first thing this morning:

Horoscopes For Today: 8/4/2005
The stars put you just where you love -- center stage. Soak up the warmth of that spotlight and get ready to dazzle the audience with your best display. Don't worry if you don't have anything prepared -- frankly, you're at your best when you can improvise. It's not as if you would ever be at a loss on how to entertain the crowd, especially with the double dose of charisma and glamour that you're packing right now.

With that written in the stars, let me try my best to not let anyone down.

I have a confession, I have started smoking again. I know this will come as a huge shock to many people because for so long I seemed to have everything under control. I'd love to be able to blame this on somebody else, but it's all me. I felt bad this morning as I watched the white symbol of danger rising into the morning sunlight, but at this point, what can I do? If I had any warning that it would come to this, I would have taken steps to avoid it. Or did I ignore these signals? My thought now is just what it's going to take to make it go away again, the extras that are involved, the time and assistance from others. Will it wait until next pay, or is this smoking a serious enough problem that it will take it's toll NOW. Will the person assigned to help me be competent? Will he/she make the problem go away for good? And the biggest question of all, which garage do I take it to?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"My underwear clash with my shirt!" GASP!

"I'm such a mess today, I got up late and just threw anything on, I mean, my underwear even clash with my shirt!" This is word for word the conversation I heard two ladies talking about in front of me as I walked into the building this morning. I don't claim to be up on the latest fashion. I'll even admit that I own clothes that I purchased from eBay. They are most definitely at least last year's models, but am I doomed to failure because I don't pay attention to the directions the strips on my undies are going? Or, at the least, feel inadequate because I don't feel the need to dedicate a conversation to the fact that I lack clothing coordination? Certainly I'm not totally insensitive, I'll wear white if I'm wearing light clothes, and I'll even TRY to match colors. But not with my shirt! They conveniently sell bra and panty sets for the severely challenged. But for the rest of us moderately impaired dressers, we'll just have to make the faux paus and suffer the humiliation if we are in a car accident I guess.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pigs, pancakes and piercings....

I began an entry yesterday, basically a tangent, about my daughter deciding to be a vegetarian, and I thought I'd finish it last night but fell asleep reading "If you give a pig a pancake." Suprise. This morning, as I sit down to express my thoughts, for some reason Katie becoming a vegetarian (and potentially driving me nuts with her pleas to join her) weren't foremost on my mind anymore, so you don't get the originally scheduled griping about turkey at Thanksgiving or hamburgers at picnics and brats at football games. Instead I'd like to share a disturbing discovery I made last evening. My neighbor (genuinly nice guy, no matter what I say) is an elderly man living an alternative lifestyle. I'm ok with that. Last night I found out that he has both of his nipples pierced!

I found myself staring in disbelief. I am still trying to erase the image. I don't frown on piercings or tats, or anything else someone might want to do with their body. If it will make them happy, go for it! (I have a tattoo of a sun on my right shoulder) Anyhow, what I found close to impossible to believe is that he pierced one by himself almost 15 years ago...ouch ok? AND that he just had the other done "3 or 4 years ago." THE MAN IS PUSHING 65!!! The thought of this man, grandfather age, walking into the Dragon Studios, taking off his tank top and asking the guy to pierce him was just too much! Like I mentioned, do what you want with your bod, but don't assume others want you to share it with them! When I get a tattoo on my back, I am not going to wear tube tops just so people can see it!! I'm doing it for me, and I'll share with anyone that WANTS to see it? Private area piercings should stay private. That's all I'm saying.