Monday, September 27, 2004

I have this friend....

How do you let someone know that even though you don't need to know, you know. They should know you know, but you don't need to know. But now that you know, you need them to know?

Monday, September 20, 2004

World peace

Or maybe I should say "peaceful world".

So for right now, I found tickets for a Steelers football game, and all is good with the world. I just have to wait until November. I can do that! It's funny how, when it comes to the kids in your life, your priorities can change just like (snap) that!

Saturday, September 04, 2004


They are children for God's sake!! Why turn to them to demonstrate frustration or anger??!!?? Stop being such cowards and face what really needs your attention. Your weaknesses, your stupidity!! Your lack of common sense. Ever hear of pick on someone your own size??? Kids just want to learn and grow. Take your problems and gripes to people who can defend themselves or at least be a more equal match up to you!!!