Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A sunday in Cleveland

OK, WOW!!! I finally took my nephew to a Steeler game. We had to go to Cleveland, OH to see them, but would do it again no problem!! Thanks Tony for covering your ears a few times, and turning the other way a few more. Can't wait for the next one!! GO STEELERS!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

A Nov beginning

What a great way to end October. Steelers, I'm talking Steelers here!! Try to keep up with me. Only two weeks until I get to see them in person and it might as well be a year! We are going to defeat the Eagles next week and be on our way to the Super Bowl!!

Halloween was good, I missed Katie though. I miss the days when she would ask me, "Mom, can I be an oompa loompa for Halloween?" and I'd think about a way to make that happen.