Weather or not...
So my daughter and I have this theory. We believe people born in Fall or Winter like cooler weather better, and those born in Spring or Summer like the warmer weather. Now, if there is a scientific study or other information out there aleady, I don't know about it. We are not that ambitious to find out, we just like to hear ourselves talk and someone mentioned that this would be a good blog subject. So, what I wanted to know from you guys is, what month or season were you born in and which weather you enjoy the most. I was born in August (Wednesday..happy birthday to me!!) and I like the warm weather most. My daughter was born in January, and she likes cooler weather more. I thought we found our first glitch with my nephew, Jared, he doesn't like the warm weather as much and his birthday is the day before mine...TOMORROW!!! OMG!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED!! WOO HOO. Ok, so he doesn't like the warm weather as much. Then I realized while recalling the morning my brother called to let us know he was born. He was 2 months early. Making his original birth time in mid October...Fall enough for me! So I know there will be some inconsistancies in this theory, but so far the majority has worked out just as we predicted. Help us out ok? Thanks.
Born in May and like cool weather, May can go either way.
I was born in August and I hate summer! I hate hot weather. I moved to Montana and it's just perfect for me. I only have to deal with weather over 90 for about a month.
Hey Youngin, Happy Birthday Early!
And, I was born December 17, 1975 and I LOVE IT HOT, HOT, HOT.
So there goes your theory out the window. Cold weather actually makes me angry, I cuss it sometimes when it is blistery cold and biting my face and I scream out at it, "Damn you cold weather!!!" and then I ask God to forgive me for swearing, but he understands because he knows what it feels like.
good theory
Well damn, now we have to make up something else to disprove...thanks for your input everyone!!!
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