"My underwear clash with my shirt!" GASP!
"I'm such a mess today, I got up late and just threw anything on, I mean, my underwear even clash with my shirt!" This is word for word the conversation I heard two ladies talking about in front of me as I walked into the building this morning. I don't claim to be up on the latest fashion. I'll even admit that I own clothes that I purchased from eBay. They are most definitely at least last year's models, but am I doomed to failure because I don't pay attention to the directions the strips on my undies are going? Or, at the least, feel inadequate because I don't feel the need to dedicate a conversation to the fact that I lack clothing coordination? Certainly I'm not totally insensitive, I'll wear white if I'm wearing light clothes, and I'll even TRY to match colors. But not with my shirt! They conveniently sell bra and panty sets for the severely challenged. But for the rest of us moderately impaired dressers, we'll just have to make the faux paus and suffer the humiliation if we are in a car accident I guess.
Clash away :-) Anyway...Thank you for the comments. I posted one last story for the road. I was going to post it tomorrow.... I figure it's a good one for my very last. It's a fuuny one.
van..don't go!!!
madman...all my hard work has paid off, thank you. you like me, you really like me!!
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