Monday, August 22, 2005


As you know from reading my posts, I pretty much keep to myself, I don't comment on here about other people, what they care about, or what they write about. I worry about me and mine. Whose birthday it is or what game we are going to see is my major concerns really. Oh, and every now and then I try to be funny. In other words, what comments are left by other bloggers, should be left on blogs. Lately, I think, there is soooo much drama! Everyone is fighting with everyone else and comments are being left, and I was even threatened! Now I know something is wrong! Am I alone here? Have I not been blogging long enough to come across it and I'm just exaggerating? Who cares?? I'm just a blogger with a couple ideas and is it wrong having a few ideas you want to share? Well, yeah actually! Making fun of people and wanting to kick their @$$. That's too far. Verbal wars over voting buttons, man against woman abandoned blogs....can't we all just get along?


Blogger Willy Jo said...

man you siad it. yer won smart batch. not like those stoopiod batches that yell at us all the time.


9:51 PM  

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