I am all over the place today. I just thought I should warn you. Let's see if I can lose you.
My son told me I am the funniest mom in the whole white world. I immediately corrected him! Instead of taking the compliment and thanking him and hugging him because that there is what I live for, acceptance from my children, I have to correct one little word. No, not even a whole word, just a sound. "da" honey...Not "tah". What the hey?? It has come to the point that I need to worry what the teacher, the PTA people or anyone within earshot might think of my kindergartner for making a minor, silly, insignificant error and potentially ruining our name around here! I'm not exaggerating either. It's a small town, you get marked predictive, you're in for it.
On the same lines, my humor has gotten ME into a mess. It all started last week.....
Bud, great custodial engineer, even greater guy, celebrated a birthday last week. Since my birthday was the week before, and he made it a point to call me and sing happy birthday to me, I thought I'd return the gesture. I grab the radio that is shared by the campus police, and the custodial staff and maintenance, (and library, student services..Etc.) and begin my rendition of the last couple of lines of "Happy Birthday" as performed for President Kennedy by Marilyn Monroe. His reply was an amused sounding "encore." I was giggling and happy with my gift to him and went back to work. Here, in chronological order is the aftermath:
From a female: "That was horrible, I could have done better."
From a male: "Well, sorry, I'll try harder next time."
From me: "Well, see if I try to do something nice for anyone anymore."
From female: "Theresa, we know it wasn't you, we heard Scott's mustache scraping the radio."
From me: "HEY! You know I'm sensitive about my facial hair!"
From female: "Theresa, you are so funny!"
Ok, I achieved "funny" from my co workers as well. I'm pretty high right now with my kids, my friends AND some co workers all appreciating my sense of humor. However, this is how it is continuing.
From male officer: "So, that was some performance there...Did you know that the main campus monitors those radios now?"
From me: "NO!!! Do you think I'd have done that if I thought half of Ohio was listening???"
From male officer: uncontrollable laughter.
From female bookstore worker: "Hey, I heard you singing the other day..Pretty funny!!"
From me: "Wait a minute, how did you hear? The bookstore doesn't have these radios!"
From female bookstore worker: "Gabe was in there, actually ALOT of people were in there (you know the semester just started) they were looking and laughing and he was trying like crazy to get the radio turned down, and just ended up getting out of there real quick."
I had an audience. I finally get an audience and all I do is sing....I've heard of how people blow their big chance at stardom and I've not just blown it, I've picked up the pieces and chewed them up and spit them into the trash.
My vehicle is demanding more of my attention than my children these days and It's just not right!! We all know (well, those of us who got the flat tire the other day, read about here, passed me by or helped me fix it) that I had to get new tires. Yesterday it was pointed out to me that I had no serpentine belt. Not a broken one, not a breaking one. NONE. And now it's time for a bath. I live in a town where horse and buggy are acceptable, and at this point, it looks like that would be more realistic possibility than the motorcycle I've always wanted....Sigh...
And lastly, I just want to explain that starting back to school (me and my kids) and working full time and all is taking away from my blog time. I just wanted to explain why I haven't been around as much, I know your feelings could get hurt and I don't want that on my conscience. So here you go.