Wednesday, December 28, 2005

WOW, I'm so out of schedule!!

Having this week off is messing with me big time!! I have no schedule, I'm sleeping and eating at will, and sometimes all day long! Feeling lazy and really only doing enough to keep the kids healthy and the house tolerable...

OK, wait, there was a complaint in there somewhere.......

Oh, yeah, the fact that I am MAJORLY behind on blogs. Both reading AND! There is alot of information out there to catch up on. I was so glad to hear from some of the "old" bloggers that have been gone for a while, I worry you know!!

I was thrilled to hear how nice Christmas was for most this year.

I am back to work on Tuesday and will become faithful to you all again! Until then, the leftovers, and re-runs own me!

Bye bye!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Report

It is 11:38 (no matter what the time on the blog clock says) and here is the scoop so far.

*I was up until 4 am, and have been up for hours
*I have eaten only cookies and cheese cubes so far today
*My kids ate gumballs for breakfast
*We've already been through the list of things that my kids DID not get from Santa
*We don't have any broken toys yet and that is amazing becau....oh..nevermind, the helicopter bit the dust...
*My youngest is playing in the box my oldest's television came in

There you have it. I may do a mid-afternoon update if I need to "get away."

Either way. Everyone have a great Christmas. I say Christmas, because I celebrate Christmas. If YOU don't, then just have a great 25h day of December, and I hope you are healthy and happy!!!


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Cheer

Ok, we're coming down to the wire and I don't know about you, but I haven't seen ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH Christmas quizes and tests!! (Although I had TONS of fun letting my co-workers know what their Elf Names were thanks to OSBASSO So in an attempt to do my part, here is one for you to enjoy that Jess-sih-cahhhhh shared with me! Thanks jess-sih-cahhhhh!

Just figure out what Traditional Christmas Carols they are talking about here. Have fun!!

1. Quadruped with crimson proboscis

2. 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. without noise

3. Miniscule hamlet in the far east

4. Ancient benevolent despot

5. Adorn the vestibule

6. Exuberance directed to the planet

7. Listen, aerial spirits harmonizin

8. Monarchial trio

9. Yonder in the haystack

10. Assemble, everyone who believes

11. Hallowed post meridian

12. Fantasies of a colorless December 25th

13. Tin tintinnabulums

14. A dozen 24-hour yule periods

15. Befell during the transparent bewitching hour

16. Homo sapien of crystallized vapor

17. I merely desire a pair of incisors

18. I spied my maternal parent osculating a fat man in red

19. Perambulating through a December solstice fantasy

20. Aloft on the acme of the abode


15 – 20 Correct — You don’t need any Yuletide spirit!
10 – 14 Correct — You could use something in your stocking!
5 – 9 Correct — Are you sure you have the right holiday?
1 – 4 Correct — Surely you jest!?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

a lesson to be learned

and I was worried!!!! lol

Christmas Naughty or Nice List

I am on the The Nice List

After checking the North Pole database I had :

2,408 nice entries
180 naughty entries
Check your name on the Christmas Naughty or Nice List at

what's in a name?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What the????

I came across this sign. Do you think it's a church in Euclid?? (just kidding T) sorry Amy..just having fun...


YEAH!! I've been tagged by LEESA

1. Name three things that you would like to get for Christmas.

**Through it sanely
**The piano playing snowman from Hallmark (yeah the annoying one)
**Slippers -funny, fuzzy, crazy slippers

2. Name three things that you are giving as gifts for Christmas.

**A Cleveland Brown's sweatshirt (and I think she already knows)
**A Flat screen tv with DVD player (she definately knows)
**Weird cheese and meats..just kidding...soaps from Bath and Body Works

3. Name three things that you hope no one will get you.
**Underwear (the granny kind, fancy schmancy would be ok)
**Makeup (I have plenty)
**Dishes (I love my house, but I'm too selfish at Christmas!)

(anything I get is appreciated and loved!!)

I know it says something because I felt the need to explain all these!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

firstly and nonsense

It's been awhile since i blogged something substantial.
Certainly it's not because there's nothing to blog about.
All around things are happening--funny, unusual, sad, happy
Now all I have to do is pick something.
There's the speeding ticket from yesterday.
There's the fact that this is finals week.
And there's always the kids.
Katie, Brendan and Eric=lots to write, and worry about.
Even work has it's drama to entertain.
I don't know if you've noticed.
There is a blog in a blog.
And you need to find it.
No, you won't get any hints, I'm not feeling generous today.
You are on your own with this one.
Maybe you shouldn't find it.
Only because I don't want to have to explain if you do.
Reasons are my own-feel better now that I've gotten them out.
Each time I write.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

well, when they're right, they're right!!


More me...

10 Things about me you may not know...
I am a Leo
I hate the snow/cold
I own NO pets
I want to be discovered
I have no major abilities
I am teaching myself the guitar
I am a procrastinator
I am addicted to blogging
My first Christmas card came from an online friend
I have MANY online friends

9 Places I've visited...
Niagra Falls, Canada
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Jersey
New York

8 Ways to win my heart...
Remember something I've told you that is important to me
Sing to me
Be a 5 year old watching me twirl in the kitchen and tell me I'm "A beautiful Woman"
Think I'm pretty cool even if you don't know me for real
Bring up all your grades
Stick by me
Make me laugh uncontrollably
Surprise me

7 Things I must do before I die...
Know that my children are heading in the right direction
Be known for SOMETHING
Meet people I've only talked to
See Italy, England and Ireland
Finish college
Feel totally healthy about myself
Find the fountain of youth

6 Things I'm afraid of
Old Age
Falling in (and out of) love again
Losing a loved one

5 things I don't....oh crap, don't what??? I didn't finish this sentence when I was writing it down!! HA HA HA!!! If you know what goes here, let me know and I'll finish it...(Leesa, I don't see this on your page anymore...sigh...)

4 things that turn me off
Loud chewing
No eye contact during conversation
Scraggly looking facial hair
bad breath

3 Things I do everyday
Wake up

2 Things that make me happy
My children

1 Thing on my mind right now
Do I get digital cable, or a dish...

Monday, December 05, 2005

how did they know??

The original title of this blog was going to be "Not another quiz...I SWEAR!" Because it really wasn't a quiz that provided the following conclusion. Then I read the conclusion!

The University of Blogging

Presents to

An Honorary
Bachelor of

Majoring in
Quiz Addiction


Blogging Degree

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Wizards of Winter

Ok, this is a few years old, and you might have seen it, but if not...take a look!!!

I want this done to my house!!!


As seen here, this display is NOT a couple years old, and now it's not viewable any longer. Seems it's a traffic hazard and the cops shut em down! awww....
