Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Report

It is 11:38 (no matter what the time on the blog clock says) and here is the scoop so far.

*I was up until 4 am, and have been up for hours
*I have eaten only cookies and cheese cubes so far today
*My kids ate gumballs for breakfast
*We've already been through the list of things that my kids DID not get from Santa
*We don't have any broken toys yet and that is amazing becau....oh..nevermind, the helicopter bit the dust...
*My youngest is playing in the box my oldest's television came in

There you have it. I may do a mid-afternoon update if I need to "get away."

Either way. Everyone have a great Christmas. I say Christmas, because I celebrate Christmas. If YOU don't, then just have a great 25h day of December, and I hope you are healthy and happy!!!



Blogger Leesa said...

Merry Christmas to you too!
My cats are thourougly enjoying the Christmas boxes!

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great Christmas!! It was a long and crazy day...

7:32 PM  

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