Tuesday, July 19, 2005


As a mom, I know there are bagillions of things you forget to tell your kids in their lifetimes. I don't know who should be responsible for telling others this sort of information. I just figured I'd try to help. Here is a to do list of things to check. Now people! I'm telling you...you need to check each of these things regularly!!

  1. your mail
  2. your email
  3. your blogs
  4. texts
  5. battery levels
  6. your lottory numbers
  7. your BO status
  8. your breath
  9. your teeth
  10. foot odor
  11. the number people with you to make sure no one is missing
  12. your gas level
  13. your oil
  14. the air pressure in your tires
  15. your trunk for bodies
  16. dates and times
  17. your schedule
  18. shopping lists
  19. checkbook balance
  20. under your bed
  21. your breasts
  22. your testicles
  23. blood pressure
  24. cholesterol level
  25. sugar level
  26. kool-aid supply
  27. tissue supply
  28. toilet paper supply
  29. spelling
  30. grammar
  31. puncuation
  32. your attitude
  33. your rearview mirror
  34. your dinner
  35. your doors
  36. your local listings
  37. on sick friends
  38. the elderly
  39. new moms
  40. hot neighbors
  41. your time
  42. the status
  43. your answers
  44. car lights
  45. car windows
  46. your locks
  47. the back seat
  48. your coat pockets
  49. your old purses and wallets
  50. bath water
  51. your kids' bath water
  52. chlorine level
  53. your basement
  54. your attic
  55. your flower beds
  56. your vegetable gardens
  57. your calendars
  58. the headlines
  59. the classifieds
  60. the obituaries
  61. the weather
  62. the phone book
  63. your coupons
  64. due dates
  65. your options
  66. your grocery cart (for several reasons...squeeky wheel, anything left behind, etc)
  67. shoe bottooms when leaving the restroom
  68. makeup
  69. nose hairs
  70. BS...booger situation
  71. machines before leaving the laundromat
  72. your paycheck
  73. your tax deductions
  74. your EOB's
  75. your taxes
  76. Christmas light bulbs well before Christmas
  77. the parking level numbers
  78. your figures
  79. your nutrition labels
  80. ingredient lists

I hope this helps. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.


Blogger peanutbutterfilthy said...

I stopped somewhere around your blog. Too much stuff to check!

5:06 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Here are your questions:

1. If you could visit only one more new state in your lifetime, which one would it be?

2. If you had to give up one OCD habit, which one would it be?

3. What is an EOB?

4. If you could change your daughter's age to any year, how old would she be and why?

5. Please explain the shadow thing? Please? I'm confused and slightly scared for you.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Oh Madman! (smacking forehead) how could I forget that????

8:16 AM  

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