Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Where I've been before and today!

create your own visited states map

Ok, i found this on another blog and thought I'd use it too. I can't believe it worked since I've never had luck putting ANYTHING on this blog. This map shows the states in these United, that I have visted. I think I need to get out more...

Anyhow, this is just one interesting thing I found during my marathon-blogging. I'm serious! I spent about 6 hours today just clicking "next blog" to see what I came across. I found several GREAT blogs and even one EXCELLENT one. I'll list them if I can figure out how to do that. The one thing that I did NOT come across was my own blog!!!! Now, if they don't show you your own blog when just perusing, I will calm down. But I did see many blogs several times and that scares me. Certainly they don't list them in order of creativity, some were just advertisments. Mine, although personal and confusing at times, has some humor to it at least!! Doesn't it? Please tell me yes. Not even the Sister Virginia post that started this whole thing?


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