Tuesday, October 11, 2005

leave your answers here too!!

I'm following Leesa around doing all the fun stuff she finds..so here's my answers:

(by the way, impressed that I did a nice link? don't be, until you make sure it worked!! lol)

1. Have you ever broken any bones or had surgery? - No "fixed" broken bones, but i'm sure my little toe could tell some stories! Surgery, 2 c-sections and a hernia..wow...that's alot!
2. What is your favorite thing(s) to do on a date? - laugh, joke, come up with enough things to talk about to keep it fun.
3. Ever done a beer bong? - umm..yeah
4. Ever been to protest? - not in person, but I protest things all the time!
5. Do you have a birthmark? - Yes, It's fading, eventually (in time for liver spots) it won't be noticable anymore.
6. Who are you closer to, your mom or dad? - Mom
7. If you could have one super pwer, what would it be? :) - I'd be "tell me no lies" woman.
8. What is your favorite sport to play? Football. Watch? Football, gymnastics.
9. Ever been to a Broadway play? I've been to lots of plays where some of the cast should be on broadway...does that count?
10. What is the last nice thing you did for yourself? hmm...colored my hair.


Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

I protest things, have used a beer bong, and I'm closer to my mom as well. It looks like great minds think alike!..lol

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A broken hand, yes to the beer bong, I protest things, I saw Les Mis on Broadway, and if I had one super power I would choose the ability to fly.

11:17 PM  
Blogger Leesa said...

You almost got the link! If you had stopped at .com, it would have gone to my site.
Cool answers:)

9:07 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

i think i'm linkly challenged...lol

7:33 AM  

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