Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Christmas all wrapped up in one neat little blog

I love this picture, it looks like an old one. Almost Christmas Story-ish huh? It was this year, downtown. Santa flies into Wooster and lands on the roof of the fancy shmancy art store and the firemen put the ladder truck up to get him down. What? That's not the usual arrival?? You're kidding me!!

Anyhow, the people dressed as pineapple roaming the streets giving out balloons keeps the "good old fashioned Christmas traditions" alive...wait...huh?

This one was taken this week actually!! They had a snow day, then a 60 degree day and today...ICE STORM! Woot, Ohio
Awww, I love this picture. We did a darn good job on that gingerbread house. Such a good job that no one was allowed to eat it, so it got hard, and after Christmas was over..was thrown away. Yeah, I'm proud. (The icing wasn't very tasty anyhow)

Brendan's head can be seen JUST above the row of snowmen...yeah, he blends in..lol
His class made about a hundred and a half sock snowmen and took them to the Akron Children's hospital to pass out. He was so hyped. They were so cute....and so were the snowmen *wink*

For some reason, this is one of the only pictures I got of them opening presents this year. Eric was ESTATIC to see he was given a Star Wars ship. Aww, there's Aunt Ruth in the front of the picture. I wish I got to see her and Kitty more often. (Hi Kitty!!)

OMG!! I think I reached maximum blog space!! That's a first!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why were they dressed like pineapples?
-Amy :)

12:17 PM  

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