late for everything
Ok, so Sister Virginia had something. Not that it was right to humiliate a 5th grader in front of her classmates, but taking a strict stand on tardiness is important. Had she only tried a little harder, I might not have been branded with "the late one". I might not have been nominated for "least punctual" in high school, and I probably wouldn't be told by my family that functions start a half hour earlier than they actually do so that I'll be on time. But, most importantly, I wouldn't come in last when it comes to experiencing the funny things out there. Why was I the last to see the cartoon on jibjab? "This land" is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time, and everyone knew it before me!! kuddos to the brothers that made me laugh this morning (boy if I had a nickel for everytime I said that, I'd...well, I'd have a nickel).
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